The Story- Street

viber imageIf one was to put himself in the shoes of a street children the prime concerns would be where will I sleep tonight? Will I get any food today? How long will I sleep and fight hunger? How long do I have to sniff dendrite?
All of us complain about the street children pestering and harassing us for money and food. They are also violent that they hit people if money or food is not given to them. Perhaps it is quite wrong for us to expect such kids to have any sense of social etiquette since they have nobody to look after them or take care of them.
They usually do not have a permanent place to sleep. Many of them sleep in the streets or on pavements near shops and malls, while others prefer sleeping at bus terminals, railways platforms, under bridges. The children living on the street are time and again at risk of their life. Their fundamental rights are being frequently violated
These are children who live in poor and marginalized communities. Typically are pressurized by their community or family to work and help earn a living. If their family does not understand the importance of education and does not encourage their children to stay in school, these children are to drop out. Due to the experience of family problems, such as domestic abuse, they run away from home and live on the streets with other children they know. They are still in hope to get back to their place and get admitted to schools. On the other side, the Street children are unwillingly bound to live in dangerous and unhealthy living environments and that resulting untreated illnesses and frequent injuries that entail. Lack of adequate emotional support, food, shelter and safe places to sleep.
Social and economic factors appeared to be primary in pushing children onto the streets. Poverty, disability (mostly blindness) and death of parent(s) appeared to be the key factors resulting in families’ inability to look after their children properly. Death of parents resulting in orphanhood, and poverty, has created a vacuum in child-care responsibilities by removing and/or incapacitating those with duties to provide for children’s basic needs.
Every Child is blessing Every child needs special concern and attention as a basic right to all children and the street children are no  way an exception. The Convention of the rights of child has received almost widespread ratification. However, despite this international show of assurance towards children some factions of children are still at danger and weak.
While the Convention on Right of Child has added numbers of the essential child related practices within the member states. In contradiction, in relation to the street child, states are falling short of their legal obligations under child law and human right law. There is a need therefore to emphasis the legal obligations of the CRC and Children Act to serve the basic interests of the child as a principal concern.  And only granting rights to these  children won’t fill the gap unless accompanied by Liberty and mechanism to exercise the rights provided.

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